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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Manuel of Theology by J.L. Dagg

In our natual state we are totaly depraved. No inclination to holiness exists in our carnal heart; and no holy act can be performed, or service to God rendered, until the heart is change.This change, it is the office of the Holy Spirit to effect. Pardon, justification, and adoption, are changes in a man's condition; but if no other change were wrought, the man would remain a slave to sin, and unfit for the service and enjoyment of God. Grace, therefore, does not stop with a mere change of condition, but it effects also the change in character, without which the individual could not participate in the holy enjoyments of heaven, or be fitted for the society of the blessed. p 277

John Leadly Dagg wrote the first full system of theology by a baptist in America.

He shows that once a person is changed by God, his actions will change. The person will still have to fight his sinful thoughts but God brings about this change.

Hey Johnnie, nice blog! I wish I had the time to read all these books you've been able to read. Soon, though! Perhaps I'll get some good reading in over the summer.
So many books so little time.
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