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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Manuel of Theology by J.L. Dagg

In our natual state we are totaly depraved. No inclination to holiness exists in our carnal heart; and no holy act can be performed, or service to God rendered, until the heart is change.This change, it is the office of the Holy Spirit to effect. Pardon, justification, and adoption, are changes in a man's condition; but if no other change were wrought, the man would remain a slave to sin, and unfit for the service and enjoyment of God. Grace, therefore, does not stop with a mere change of condition, but it effects also the change in character, without which the individual could not participate in the holy enjoyments of heaven, or be fitted for the society of the blessed. p 277

John Leadly Dagg wrote the first full system of theology by a baptist in America.

He shows that once a person is changed by God, his actions will change. The person will still have to fight his sinful thoughts but God brings about this change.

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Friday, April 28, 2006

The Godly Man's Picture by Thomas Watson

He loves the threatinging part of the Word. The Scripture is like the garden of Eden: as it has a tree of life in it, so it has a flaming sword at its gates. This is the trhreatening of the Word. It flashes fire in the face of every person who goes on obstinately in wickedness. 'God shall wound the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his trespasses' (Psa. 68:21). The Word gives no indulgence to evil. It will not let a man halt between God and sin. The true mother would not let her child be divided (1 Kings 3:26), and God will not have the heart divided. The word thunders against the very appearance of evil. It is like that flying roll of curses(Zech 5:1).
The Godly man loves the menaces of the Word. He knows there is love in every threat. God would not have us perish; he therefore mercifully threatens us, so that he may scare us from sin. God's threats are like the buoy, which shows the rocks in the sea and threatens death to such as come near. The threat is a curbing bit to check us, so that we may not run in full career to hell. There is mercy in every threat. p 60-61

Thomas Watson was one of the easiest puritan writers to read. His works bring such good information to the christian on how to live a Godly life.

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

The reformed pastor by Richard Baxter

It much hindereth our work, when other men are all the week long contradicting to poor people in private, that which we have been speaking to them from the Word of God in public, because we cannnot be at hand to expose their folly; but it will much more hinder your work, if you contradict yourselves, and if your actions give your tongue the lie, and if you build up an hour or two with your mouths, and all the week pulll down with your hands! p 63

This was the first puritan paperback book I had bought. Now I have 25 books from the series.
Baxter shows that not only must you share the gospel but also live it.

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A treatise of effectual calling and election by Christopher Love

Thirdly, the coventant of works requires that you should should obey the will of God perfectly in your own person The covent of grace requires that you obey in the person of Christ. So Christ obeys for you; it is accepted, though you do not do it yourself.

Fourth, the covenant of works requires you to obey the whole will of God by your own strength. The covenant of grace accepts your obedience, though not done in our own strength, but by the strength of Christ is put forth in doing any spiritual action. p. 158

It is great that we are not saved under the covenant of works. Since Adam on Jesus has lived without sin.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Books I have read or want to read

I have started another blog, books I have read or want to read. In that blog, I will cover more than just protestant christian books. I also like to read history, military history, political and fiction books.

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Discerning Reader

Tim Challies has bought the domain name of discerning reader. The new discerning reader will have bookreviews of christian books.

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added to blog

I have added away to subscribe to the blog. I have also added links to 3 book dealers who sell great christian book. These three are Monergism book, Solid Ground Christian books and Reformation Heritage books. All three are very good on shipping the books you buy in a timely manner. I have also added a link to Kim's blog.

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

An ark for all God's Noahs by Thomas Brooks

Thirdly, If God be most precious to you, then you will part with anything for God, then you will let go anything, that may hold your God, and enjoy your God, Philip. 3:7,8, Matt. 13:46; then your Isaac shall be made a sacrifice, if God will have it so, Gen. 22; and your Benjamin shall be sent into Egypt, if God will have it so, Gen. 43; then your Jonah will be cast overboard, if God will have it so, Jonah 1; then out goes the right eye, and off goes the right hand, upon divine command; then you will never cry out, Oh! this mercy is too near to me to part with for God, and that confort is too dear to me to part with for God, &c Oh no; but then you will say, as the king of Sodom said to Abraham, 'Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself' Gen 14:21. So you will say 'Give us God, oh give us God, and let who will take the goods, let who will take the honours, and the profits, and the pleasures of this world; it is enough tht Joseph is alive; it is enough if we may but enjoy our God. A prince will part anything rather than he will part with his crown-jewels; and so will a Christian rather part with anything, than upon choice, to part with his God, whom he values above all the crown-jewels in the world. p 99

This book by Thomas Brooks is in book 2 of his complete works.

He brings out good points in this sample above. The christian will give up whatever gets between him and God. The christian knows God in more important than all the money and other things the world can offer.

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Monday, April 24, 2006

Gospel Worship by Jeremiah Burroughs

First, admiring God's goodness that we live at this time, and that we have the liberty to come before Him. We might have been past praying and worshiping God. Think thus: "What a mercy it is that we are not banished out of God's presence, that the Lord as spurned us out of His sight as filth and cast us out as an everlasting abohorring. While others have been praying, we might have been yelling under the wrath of the eternal God," Come with apprehension of yourself, and adore God's goodness that you are alive to pray and hear God's word, and that it is not only a duty, but a rich privilege and mercy that God will admit you into His presence. Again, it is the goodness of God that He will condescend to look upon the things that are done in heaven. Then if the Lord humbles Himself to behold the things done in heaven, how much does the Lord humble Himself to behold me, a pore vile captive as I am in myself? And yet, that God should not only behold me before Him, but invite me to come into His presence- what mercy and goodness is this! p 110

This is part of Burrough's sermon Sanctifying the name of God in holy duties. Burroughs was a great preacher. He liked to preach on a series of topics.

He brings up a good point. We should be thankful that God sent His son to die for His people to bring us back to Him. We should realize that it is God's mercy that allows us to even worship Him.

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