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Sunday, May 07, 2006

All things for good by Thomas Watson

This sense of sin works for good, as it is an occasion of putting the soul upon six especial duties:
(1) It puts the soul upon self-searching. A child of God being conscious of sin, takes the candle and latern of the Word, and searches his heart. He desires to know the worst of himself; as a man who is diseased in body desires to know the worst of his disease. Though our joy lies in the knowledge of our graces, yet there is some benefit in the knowledge of our corruptions. Therefore Job prays, "Make me to know my transgressions" (Job 13:23). It is good to know our sins, that we may not flatter ourselves, or take our condition to be better than it is. It is good to find out our sins, lest they find us out. p 49

Watson wrote all things for good in 1663 then it was titled a divine cordial. This was one year after over 2,000 preachers were forced out of the british church one of which was Watson. They were not supposed to preach and if they did they could have been sent to jail.

As a christian we need to read the Word of God to find our sins and confess them to God.

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