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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Augsburg Confession

Article I: Of God.

Our Churches, with common consent, do teach that the decree of the Council of Nicaea concerning the Unity of the Divine Essence and concerning the Three Persons, is true and to be believed without any doubting; that is to say, there is one Divine Essence which is called and which is God: eternal, without body, without parts, of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness, the Maker and Preserver of all things, visible and invisible; and yet there are three Persons, of the same essence and power, who also are coeternal, the Father the Son, and the Holy Ghost. And the term "person" they use as the Fathers have used it, to signify, not a part or quality in another, but that which subsists of itself.

They condemn all heresies which have sprung up against this article, as the Manichaeans, who assumed two principles, one Good and the other Evil- also the Valentinians, Arians, Eunomians, Mohammedans, and all such. They condemn also the Samosatenes, old and new, who, contending that there is but one Person, sophistically and impiously argue that the Word and the Holy Ghost are not distinct Persons, but that "Word" signifies a spoken word, and "Spirit" signifies motion created in things.

Here is one of the first protestant confessions. They state that the agree with the Council of Nicaea.

We are never told to believe without doubting "three persons" in scripture.

But scripture tells us to believe in Jesus for those who confess Jesus have the Father.

You say "without body"
My bible says "There is but one body"
You say "three persons"
My bible says "But to one person Jesus Christ"

You use Councils and men who condemn other men to prove a doctrine by demanding their blood.

I believe the one who gave his blood so that I might have life.

I just simply believe. "He who confesses the Son has the Father"

Scripture is all about believing in Jesus for to believe in Jesus is not believing on Jesus but on him that sent him.

You believe without doubting something you don't understand what people call a MYSTERY.

I believe the mystery has been revealed and have an unction from the holy one that this mystery has been revealed and this promise is Jesus "Christ in us the hope of glory."

Why not get back to the Purity of the Gospel (Puritan Belief) rather then creeds which never lift Jesus up to be the cornerstone or to those who stumble "The rock of offence"
Why go by the name puritan. You claim to like the puritans but reject what they teach. You never ansewer how can he be called Son without a Father. Is Jesus playing games by claiming one minute to be the Father, the next the Son and then later the Holy Spirit?

Mar 16:19 Then indeed, after speaking to them, the Lord was taken up into Heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

Is he sitting beside Himself?

Mat 10:33 But whoever shall deny Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in Heaven.

Who is His Father. Jesus said if you deny Him before man. He will deny that person in front of the Father.
Scripture is all about believing in Jesus for to believe in Jesus is not believing on Jesus but on him that sent him.

You say someone sent him. No angel can send Him. He did not send Himself. So who sent Him?
God is one.
There is but one God.
The Father who sent Jesus is God.
Jesus is also God.
The Spirit which was sent by the Father and by Jesus is God.

The Trinity is the only interpretation of scripture which is consistent with all of these Facts.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about the "Augsburg Confession".
Will you also be adding you own comments as it goes? if you are intending to post more about it that is.
either way I'll look it up and read it.
I have a link to the augsburg confession.
The augusburg confession is under the creeds of the church.
thanks i saw it there after i googled for it
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