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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Baptist Fire Net

Baptist fire net is not the same as baptist fire.

Here is a sample from the statement of faith:
We believe that salvation is totally by grace alone through faith as Ephesians 2:8-10 declares. Salvation is a total gift of God, even the very faith which saves you. Man is in such a depraved state that he cannot even look to God on his own. As such, without God's intervention in his life, man could not be saved. No man can come unto salvation unless the Holy Spirit draws him to the Son.

We believe the Lord has elected some to be saved, not because of anything good that lives within them, but because as Scripture clearly says, it is God's will to predestine some to salvation according to the praise of His glory. Those whom the Lord has elected, He has called to be saved and will be regenerated by the Holy Spirit and caused to have new life in Christ. Romans 8 & 9, as well as Ephesians 1 & 2, are clear pictures of this.

So go to
  • statement of faith
  • to read more.

    I also place a link to the site on the side.

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