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Friday, May 05, 2006

A Christian Directory by Richard Baxter

What books, especially of theology, should one chose who for want of money or time can read but few?

The truth is, 1. It is not the reading of many books which is necessary to make a man wise or good; but the well reading of a few, could he be sure to have the best. 2. And it is not possible to read over very many on the same subjects, without a gread deal of loss of precious time; 3. And yet the reading of many as is possible tendeth much to increase knowledge, ane were the best way, if greater matters were not that way unavoidably to be omitted; life therefore being short, and work great, and knowledge being for love and practice, and no man having leisure to learn all things, a wise man must be sure to lay hold on that which is most useful and necessary. 4. But some considerable aquiaintance with many books is no become by accident necesary to a divine. 1. Because unhappily a young student knoweth not whose word it is that he should take: for among grave men, counted scholars, it is a few that are truly judicious and wise, and he that is not wise himself cannot know who else are so indeed: and every man will commend the authors that are of his opinion. p 731

The Christian directory by Baxter is a good book to read. Besides Baxter other good writers are John Owen, Thomas Watson.

I did a post about Baxter a while back, about choosing books.
The first book by Baxter I read was the reformed pastor.
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