Saturday, May 06, 2006
The Christian's daily walk by Henry Scudder
To prevent misunderstanding and wresting of Scriptures to your hurt, do thus: (1.) Get and cherish a humble and honest heart, resolved to obey what you know to be God's will. If any man will do His will, saith Christ, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, John 7:17. (2.) Get a clear knowledge of the first principles of the Christian religion, and believe them stedfastly. And endeavor to frame your life according unto those more easy and known Scriptures, whereon these first principles of the oracles of God are founded; for these give light, even at the first entrance, you shall not be unlearned in the mysteries of Christ, nor yet unstable in his ways. (3.) Be much in hearing the word interpreted, by learned and faithful ministers, Isa 7:20. (4)If you meet with a place of Scripture too hard for you, presume not to frame a sense to it of your own head; but take notice of your ignorance, admire the depth of God's wisdome, suspend your opinion, and take the opportunity to ask the meaning of some or other, of those whose lips should presrve knwledge Mal 2:7. p 100-101
Good words of advise. People should read the word for themselves. Do not depend on others to read and learn for you. Some will try to teach you wrong. They will lead you on the wrong path if you do not read for yourself.