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Thursday, May 18, 2006

from Precious remedies against satan's devices by Thomas Brooks

The conflict that is in the saints, is a more blessed, successful, and prevailing conflict. A saint, by his conflict with sin, gains ground upon his sin: 'They that are Christ's,' saith the apostle, 'have crucified the world with the affections and lusts' (Galatians 5:24). Christ puts to his hand and helps them to lead captivity captive, and to set their feet upon the necks of those lusts that have formerly trampled upon their souls and their conforts. As the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker, the house of David grew stronger and stronger, so the Lord, by the discoveries of his love, and by the influeces of his Spirit, he causeth grace, the nobler part of the saint, to grow stronger and stronger, the corruption, like the house of Saul, to grow weaker and weaker. But sin in a wicked heart gets ground, and grows stronger and stronger, notwithstanding all his conflicts. His heart is more encouraged, emboldened, and hardened in a way of sin, as you may see in the Israelites, Pharaoh, Jehu, and Judus, who doubtless found many strange conflicts, tumults, and mutinies in their souls, when God spoke such bitter things agaisnt them, and did such justice upon them (2 Timothy 3:13)

But remember this by way of caution: Though Christ hath given sin its death-wound, by his power, Spirit, death, and resurrection, yet it will die but a lingering death. As a man that is mortally wounded dies by little and little, so doth death sin in the heart of a saint, so the death of sin in the soul is a lingering death; now it dies a little, and anon it dies a little, as the psalmist speaks, 'Slay them not, lest my people forget: scatter them by thy power; and bring them down, O Lord our shield' (Psalm 59:11). He would not have them utterly destroyed, but some relics preserved as a memorial. So God dealteth in respect of sin; it is wounded and brought down, but not wholly slain; something is left as a monument of divine grace, and to keep us humble, wakeful, and watchful, and that our armour may be still kept on, and our weapons always in our hands.
p 166-167

This was from a part of a great book by Thomas Brooks on the devices of satan. God has given us victory over sin.

We have to fight against our sins daily. When we are not watchful then satan will tempt us.

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