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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

'The Mischief of Sin' by Thomas Watson

'God's watchmen have been sent to warn men of their evil ways. They have told them how damnable a thing it is to persist in sin. The judgements of God, like arrows, have been shot at them for sin. Yet for all this, they still sin. This is worse than to be Balaam the Sorcerer. For when he saw the angel before him with a naked sword, he dared not ride on. But these desperate, heaven-darining sinners, though they see the flaming sword of God's justice before them, resolvedly venture on in sin.

This sin is willful. Willful disobeyers are said to reproach the Lord, Numbers 15:30. To defey a prince's authority is to reproach him. Willfulness in sin amounts to presumption. Psalm 19:13, "Keep back Thy servant from presumptuous sins." Under the Law, there were sacrifices for sins of ignorance, but no sacrifices for sins of presumption, Numbers 11:30. To sin willfully accents and enhances the sin. it is like die to the wool or like a weight put in the scale which makes it heavier. This leaves men without excuse, John 15:22. If a sea mark is set up to give notice that there are shelves or rocks, the mariner still will sail there. If he spilts his ship, no one will pity him because he had warning given.'
p. 70-71

Good words from Watson.

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