"If you would have God for your portion, then you must break your league with sin. You must fall out with sin, if ever you fall in with God. Sin and you must be two, or God and you can never be one. There is no propriety to be had in God, except your hearts rise against taht which first disunited and disjointed you from God. Sin and you must part, or God and you can never meet. You shall as soon make an accommodation between light and darkness, heaven and hell, noon and midnight, 2 Cor. 6:14-18, as everr you shall be able to make an accomodation between God and sin. So long as sin remains ours, God will be none of ours. No prince will be one with that subject that lives in the practice of treason and rebellion against him. No prince will be one with him that killed his only son and heir, and that daringly continues to hold up those bloody weapons in his hands wherewith he committed that horrid fact. There is no adulteress that can be so shamelessly impudent, or so vainly confident, as to desire pardon of her jealous husband, or to expect an oneness and a sweetness with him, whilst she continues to hold wanton lovers still in her arms, and is fully resolved to hold on in her wanton dalliances as in times past. O sirs! God is that prince that will never admit of peace or union with you till you cease practising treason against him, and till you come to lay dwon your weapons of rebellion at his feet; he is that jealous husband that will never take you into oneness, into nearness and dearness with himself till you come to abandon all your wanton lovers, and thoroughly to resolve agaisnt all wanton dalliances for time to come. If ever you would have God for your portion, you must say to all your wanton lovers, and to all those idols of jealousy that you have set up in your souls, as Ephraim one said to his, 'Get you hence, for what have I any more to do with you?' Hosea 14:8."
p. 118
As Brooks said, we have to break from our sins if we want fellowship with God. He will not fellowship with people who rebel agaisnt Him.
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Thomas Brooks,
An ark for all God's Noahs,
# posted by Johnnie Burgess : 7/26/2006 07:31:00 PM