'The Bible alone gives a true and faithful account of man. It does not flatter him as novels and romances do; it does not conceal his faults and exaggerate his goodness; it paints him just as he is. It describes him as a fallen creature, of his own nature inclined to evil,- a creature needing not only pardon, but a new heart, to make him fit for heaven. It shows him to be a corrupt being under every circumstance, when left to himself, -corrupt after the loss of paradise, -corrupt after the flood, -corrupt when fenced in by divine laws and commandments, -corrupt when the Son of God came down and vistited him in the flesh, -corrupt in the face of warnings, promises, miracles, judgements, mercies. In one word, it shows man to be by nature always a sinner. How important is this knowledge! Can this work be the work of uninspired minds? Let us try to ansewer that question.'
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J. C. Ryle,
"Old Paths",
Son of God
# posted by Johnnie Burgess : 7/12/2006 07:37:00 PM