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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"The Church at the end of the twentieth century" by Francis A. Schaeffer

"The Loss of truth
A second, very closely related presure is the fact that modern men no longer believe in truth. They no longer believe in anthithesis. Modern men believe only in dialectical synthesis. There is thessis; it has an antithesis. Neither is true or false. "Truth" for today only lies in a synthesis. And even that synthesis is not true forever, for tommorrow there will rise another thesis different from today's and out of the combination of these will come "truth" for tommorrow. But in no case will any of these "truths" become absolute. Truth in the classical sense, that which accurately represents what is real for all time and all places, does not exist- not even as an ideal."
p. 72-73

What Schaeffer wrote against over 20 years ago is still believed by modern man. It has even being taught by some in the church today.

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