Tuesday, August 22, 2006
"The Scriptures:: the only guide in matters of religion" by John Gill
Nor do the decrees of popes and councils demand our attention and regard; it matters not what such a pope has determined, or what canons such a council under his influence has made; what have we to do with the man of sin, that exalts himself above all that is called God; who sits in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he was God? we know what will be his fate, and that of his followers. (2 Thessalonians 2:4, 5, Revelation 20:30, Revelation 13:8, and Revelation 14:11.)
Nor are the examples of men, no not of the best of men, in all things to be copied after by us; we should indeed be followers of all good men as such, of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises; and especially of such, who are or have been spiritual guides and governors in the church; who have made the scriptures their study, and have labored in the word and doctrine; their faith we should follow, considering the end of their conversation; how that issues, and when it terminates in Christ, his person, truths and ordinances, the same to-day, yesterday and for ever:
(Hebrews 6:12, and 13:7)"
Related Tags: John Gill, The Scriptures:: the only guide in matters of religion, Bible, tradition, faith